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Selected Publications:

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Shah Fouziya*, Nils Krietenstein*, Ulfat S Mir*, Jakub Mieczkowski, Masood A Khan, Aemon Baba, Mohmmad Altaf, Ajazul H Wani. H. Genome wide nucleosome landscape shapes 3D chromatin organization. Science Advances​

(2024) (In press)


Ulfat Syed Mir, Arjamand Mushtaq, Najumu Saqib Wajahat Waseem Tantry and Mohammad Altaf. Diet induced-histone modifications: implications for human health and diseases. Epigenetics and Human Health, Springer Nature. 2024.​


Mushtaq A, Mir US, Altaf M, Multifaceted functions of RNA binding protein Vigilin in gene silencing, genome stability, and autism related disorders, Journal of Biological Chemistry (2023), doi:


Mushtaq A, Ashraf NU, Altaf M. The mTORC1-G9a-H3K9me2 axis negatively regulates autophagy in fatty acid-induced hepatocellular lipotoxicity, Journal of Biological Chemistry (2023) Jan 20:102937. doi: 10.1016/j.jbc.2023.102937. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36690274.​


F., Horikoshi, N., Moros, E.G., Guha, D., Hunt, C.R., Makhijani, K., Chau, E., Ahmed, K.M., Sethi, P., Charaka, V., Godin, B., Makhijani, K., Scherthan, H., Deck, J., Hausmann, M., Mushtaq, A., Altaf, M., Ramos, K.S., Bhat, K.M., Taneja, N., Das, C., Pandita, T.K., Heat-induced SIRT1-mediated H4K16ac deacetylation impairs resection and SMARCAD1 recruitment to double strand breaks, iSCIENCE, March 21, 2022,​


Shah AT, Reshi ZA and Altaf M. DNA Methylation of ABC Transporters Differs in Native and Non-native populations of Conyza canadensis L. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 03 February 2022.​


S Ahmad, V Cote, X Cheng, G Bourriquen, V Sapountzi, M Altaf, J Cote. Antagonistic relationship of NuA4 with the Non-Homologous End- Joining machinery at DNA damage sites. PLOS GENETICS. 17(9):e1009816,2021.​


US Mir, A Bhat, A Mushtaq, S Pandita, M Altaf, TK Pandita. Role of Histone acetyltransferases MOF and Tip60 in Genome Stability. DNA Repair. 2021 Aug 8;107:103205.​


Banday S, Pandita RK, Mushtaq A, Bacolla A, Mir US, Singh DK, Bhat KP, Hunt CR, Ganesh Rao, Charaka VK, Tainer JA, Pandita TK and Altaf M. Autism-associated vigilin depletion impairs DNA damage repair. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 23 June 2021.​


A Mushtaq, US Mir, CR Hunt, S Pandita, WW Tantray, A Bhat, RK Pandita, Altaf M, Pandita TK. Role of Histone Methylation in Maintenance of Genome Integrity. Genes. 2021. PMID: 34209979.​


S Nisar, RA Dar, Altaf M, Z Farooq, I Tahir. Some important biochemical changes orchestrating flower development and senescence in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia Viv. and Petunia hybrida Vilm. flowers,. The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 1-11, 2021. ​


Farooq Z, Abdullah E, Banday S, Ganai SA, Rashid R, Mushtaq M, Rashid S and Altaf M. Vigilin protein Vgl1 is required for heterochromatin mediated gene silencing. Journal of Biological Chemistry, Sep 26, 2019.​


Ganai SA, Abdullah E, Rashid R, Altaf M. Combinatorial In Silico Strategy towards Identifying Potential Hotspots during Inhibition of Structurally Identical HDAC1 and HDAC2 Enzymes for Effective Chemotherapy against Neurological Disorders. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience. 2017 Nov 9;10:357.​


Nissar U Ashraf and Mohammad Altaf. Epigenetics: an emerging field in the pathogenesis of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Mutation Research Reviews, Volume 778, October–December 2018, Pages 1-12.​


Banday S, Farooq Z, Rashid R and Altaf M. Role of Inner Nuclear Membrane Protein Complex Lem2-Nur1 in Heterochromatic Gene Silencing. Journal of Biological Chemistry. Sep 16;291(38):20021-9. ​


Ganai SA, Banday S, Farooq Z, Altaf M. Modulating epigenetic HAT activity for reinstating acetylation homeostasis: A promising therapeutic strategy for neurological disorders. Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2016 Jul 10. pii: S0163-7258(16)30110-3. ​


Farooq Z, Banday S, Pandita TK and Altaf M. The many faces of histone H3K79 methylation. Mutation Research Reviews, 2016Apr-Jun; 768:46-52. ​


Cheng X, Auger A, Altaf M, Drouin S, Paquet E, Utley R, Robert F and Jacques Cote. Eaf1 Links the NuA4 Histone Acetyltransferase Complex to Htz1 Incorporation and Regulation of Purine Biosynthesis. Eukaryotic Cell, 14, 535-44, 2015​


Wang F, Li G, Altaf M, Lu C, Curie MA, Johnson A and Moazed D. Heterochromatin protein Sir3 induces contacts between the amino terminus of histone H4 and nucleosomal DNA. Proc Natl Acad Sci U SA. May 21; 110(21): 8495-500,2013. Nnakwe CC, Altaf M, Côté J, Kron SJ. Dissection of Rad9 BRCT domain function in the mitotic checkpoint response to telomere uncapping. DNA Repair 2009 Dec 3;8(12):1452-61. ​


Altaf M, Auger A,Monnet-Saksouk J, Brodeur J,Piquet S,Cramet M, Bouchard N,Lacoste N,Utley RT,Gaudreau L,Côté J. NuA4-dependent acetylation of nucleosomal histones H4 and H2A directly stimulates incorporation of H2A.Z by the SWR1 complex. Journal of Biological Chemistry.2010 May 21;285(21):15966-77​


Auger A, Galarneau L , Altaf M, Nourani A, Doyon Y, Utley RT, Cronier D, Allard S and Côté J. Eaf1 is the platform for NuA4 molecular assembly that evolutionarily links chromatin acetylation to ATP-dependent exchange of histone H2A variants. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 2008 Apr; 28(7):2257.​


Altaf M, Utley RT,Lacoste N,Tan S,Briggs SD,Côté J. Interplay of chromatin modifiers on a short basic patch of histone H4 tail defines the boundary of telomeric heterochromatin. Molecular Cell. 2007 Dec 28; 28(6):1002-14.​


Ali Javaheri, Robert Wysocki, Olivier Jobin-Robitaille, Altaf M, Jacques Cote and Stephen J. Kron Yeast G1DNA damage checkpoint regulation by H2A phosphorylation is independent of chromatin remodeling. The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 2006 Sep 12;103(37):13771.​


Shravanti Rampalli, L. Pavithra, Altaf Bhat, Tapas K. Kundu, and Samit Chattopadhyay. Tumor suppressor SMAR1 mediates cyclin D1 repression by recruitment of the SIN3/histone deacetylase 1 complex. Molecular and Cellular Biology.2005 October; 25(19): 8415–8429.​


Balasubramanyam K, Altaf M, Varier RA, Swaminathan V, Siddappa NB, Ranga U, Kundu TK. Curcumin, a Novel p300/CREB-binding Protein-specific Inhibitor of acetyltransferase, represses the Acetylation of Histone/Nonhistone Proteins and Histone Acetyltransferase-dependent Chromatin Transcription. Journal of Biological Chemistry.2004 Dec 3; 279(49): 51163-71.​


Balasubramanyam K, Altaf M,Varier RA, Swaminathan V, Ravindran A, Sadhale PP, Kundu TK. Polyisoprenylated benzophenone, garcinol, a natural histone acetyltransferase inhibitor, represses chromatin transcription and alters global gene expression. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2004 Aug 6; 279(32): 33716-26.​



Karanam Balasubramanyam, Altaf, M., Lingu M, Radhika, A.V., Swaminathan, V and Kundu T.K. (2003). Polyisoprenylated benzophenones and their isomers as inhibitors of Histone acetyltransferases and uses thereof. No: 929/CHE/2003.​


Balasubramanyam, K., Swaminathan, V, Altaf M, Radhika. A. V and Kundu, T.K. Use of curcumanoids a Histone acetyltransferases (HATs) inhibitors. IPN: 544/CHE/2004.

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